Saturday 25 January 2020

Does God Really Love the Top-Wealthy

"[Jesus] entered Jericho and turned into passing via it. A guy changed into there named Zacchaeus; he was a major tax collector and turned into wealthy. He turned into looking to see who Jesus became, but on account of the group he couldn't, due to the fact he became short in stature. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to bypass that way. When Jesus came to the vicinity, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I have to stay at your home these days." So he hurried down and changed into satisfied to welcome him." (Luke 19:12-6)

According to the maximum recent report made by way of Credit Suisse*, the richest 1% of the arena's populace now owns greater than 50% of the sector's wealth. Indeed, even as the arena's general wealth has apparently grown in recent years, this wealth is turning into ever-more and more focused within the palms of a tiny minority of the arena's citizens, such that, according to Oxfam* the arena's 8 richest men now personal as many assets as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest 1/2 of the planet's population.

If you've got examine Thomas Piketty's "Capital inside the Twenty-First Century" (and I even have, twice, even though I struggled to completely recognize it both instances), you'll know that (at the least in step with Piketty) it's all to do with capital ownership and the manner capital works, and that the in reality wealthy are making maximum of their cash off their cash and no longer off anything mainly effective that they are doing with that money.

Bill Gates, for instance, does not make maximum of his cash from the sale of Microsoft products anymore however from the interest he earns on investments made with cash that firstly got here from the sale of Microsoft products. In as a lot as we might suppose that uber-rich geniuses like Gates have a right to their riches because of their entrepreneurial genius, it's not genius this is chargeable for the biggest ongoing earning nowadays however without a doubt money itself, that's why such a lot of folks that own a lot of the arena's wealth are individuals who have been honestly born into the right families.

I discover all this a bit annoying.

Is that because I'm jealous? Why don't I even have one billion bucks? It can be that during part.

Is it because I've spent a lot of my life seeking to fight global poverty, and feature seen first-hand how the lowest 1% of the sector's populace are forced to live? No doubt this is a part of it too.

Either way, I realise there may be an problem of prejudice on my part. I do not battle with prejudicial feelings closer to people of various races or gender or sexual orientation, however in terms of the 1% - to the wealthy elites of our international - I confess that I do struggle to peer them as actually being my sisters and brothers inside the human own family.

If I ever get to fulfill the sort of 1%, will I warfare to reveal them respect? Moreover, if it's not Bill Gates, who I recognize has a philanthropic facet, however someone who is made maximum in their money from investments in armament agencies, will I shake their hand or will I self-righteously walk away, or do something even more outrageous?

The factor I want to make right here is that Zacchaeus - the person whom we meet in Luke bankruptcy 19 and man Jesus parties with - is a part of this 1%.

I grew up with Zacchaeus. It's one of the privileges of being brought up in a Christian household with a dad who turned into a preacher. You become familiar with a lot of the characters of the Gospel testimonies, and we used to have a song approximately Zacchaeus:

Zacchaeus turned into a totally little man.

Zacchaeus was a completely little guy.

Zacchaeus become a totally little guy.

That's all I can don't forget of the track, and that's pretty much all I knew about the person, besides that he was a jolly type of fellow with a penchant for mountain climbing trees. And then I grew up and located that none of this turned into actual - Zacchaeus likely wasn't jolly, he maximum probably did not like mountaineering trees, and he wasn't always brief either!

Now I realize that within the Gospel story it does say "He became trying to see who Jesus became, however attributable to the crowd he could not, due to the fact he became brief in stature." (Luke 19:3) but the authentic Greek is as ambiguous because the English at this factor. The 'he turned into brief in stature' can be a connection with Jesus and not Zacchaeus.

This might nevertheless make feel within the story as, if Jesus had been short, it'd certainly be difficult to peer him if He turned into submerged in a crowd. It is although a demanding notion if you're used to deliberating Jesus as an archetype of rugged masculinity.

Regardless of Zacchaeus' stature, it is surprisingly not likely that he changed into in the sycamore tree because he cherished hiking or because the tree become an apparent vantage point, for the sycamore is just not a climber-friendly tree. They have a tendency to be very high inside the leaf-to-wooden ratio. There's masses of foliage, but no longer tons to face on!

Apparently the word 'sycamore' comes from  Greek phrases, which means 'fig' and 'blackberry bush', and there are indeed similarities among those types of vegetation, now not least in terms in their 'climbability'. Certain matters were in no way meant to be climbed, and I suspect that blackberry bushes, cacti and sycamore trees ought to all be on that listing. Moreover, you'd want a terrific size sycamore just to bear an adult's weight.

If Zacchaeus were both quick and slim, this would, of direction, reduce the demands he might have placed at the tree, however if certainly he become (like so many rich humans) quick and stout, the tree can also properly had been swaying beneath his weight, which would possibly, of course, had been what attracted the attention of Jesus to him within the first location - the absurd figure of short, fats guy, desperately seeking to hold his stability, perched in a tree that became barely capable of aid his weight!

The key factor I'm making here is that the motive Zacchaeus became inside the tree wasn't because it turned into a extremely good place to be. Zacchaeus turned into there due to the fact he had no choice.

Some of you have got been in Dulwich Hill lengthy sufficient to keep in mind the Sydney 2000 Olympics whilst the torch changed into carried to inside a block of our church via one in all our parishioners - a younger lad named 'Johnson'. All of Dulwich Hill grew to become out to observe Johnson deliver the torch down Canterbury road. Some of folks that lined the streets were shorter than others, of direction, and yet absolutely everyone were given to peer the torch go through and no person had to climb a tree! Why? Because we positioned the toddlers on our shoulders and allow other shorter human beings come to the the front. Zacchaeus became a man nobody desired on their shoulders, and no one changed into going to make manner to permit him via to the the front. Why? Because they hated him.

Why did all of us hate Zacchaeus? It wasn't due to the fact he was brief, and it wasn't even because he was part of the 1%. It become because he changed into part of that 1% who made their money explicitly from the distress and oppression of different humans.

Zacchaeus was a tax-collector, and now not simply any tax-collector. He changed into "a major tax collector and turned into wealthy", Luke tells us (Luke 19:2), and I don't think you can have been a prime tax-collector and now not been wealthy.

The way the Roman device labored was that once they took over a rustic they auctioned off the gathering rights on a district-with the aid of-district basis. Wealthy guys would purchase the rights to a district after which they'd auction out the rights to particular gates.

Levi, son of Alphaeus, who we read of in Mark bankruptcy 2, was a man who had bought rights to any such gates (to the lakeside gate at Galilee in his case). Zacchaeus became chief tax-collector for the complete district of Jericho! The position would have price Zacchaeus a small fortune, however with the Roman tax charge set at 2.Five%, and the tax-collector able to set his very own fee on top of that at something charge he pleased, there has been numerous cash to be made thru the Roman occupation!

You have been betraying your own people, of path, and profiting off their misery, but what did you care? They can't harm you or slow you down when you have the most powerful army within the global at your returned. People will grumble quietly but nobody will openly get up to you! Having said that, if the Jews have been a success in considered one of their uprisings, people like Zacchaeus could have been amongst the first lined up towards the wall after victory become received.

This is what we do to people who collaborate with an occupying force. Think of what took place to the Vichy French after World War II, after the liberation of France. It's the identical thing that happens to Palestinians these days in Gaza or the Wet Bank who're discovered to be participating with the Israeli Defense Forces. It is hard to sympathise with folks that collaborate with the enemy, especially after they accomplish that entirely for the sake of creating wealth.

I don't forget last year while Mr Trump ordered that missile assault on Damascus in response to an alleged use of chemical weapons via the Syrian authorities (an allegation that has eventually been thoroughly discredited). I read an interesting article that requested the query 'who stood to benefit from this assault?', and the answer turned into given in very stark greenback and sense figures. The arms producers (Lockheed and Raytheon corp.) made a killing (literally).

Zacchaeus is one in all those who made a killing off the distress of his very own humans. If you'll been taking into account him as one of the correct men, suppose again. Zacchaeus become a collaborator, a thief, a traitor - the worst end of the 1%. Having said that, earlier than we write him off completely, we need to endure in mind that Jesus sincerely favored him!

"Then Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, due to the fact [Zacchaeus] too is a son of Abraham."" (Luke 19: 9)

These are difficult phrases indeed! Just when we've labored out that Zacchaeus is not one of the properly men however is, in fact, one of the bad men, Jesus tells us 'No - he is simply one of the guys!' He is your brother, in truth! He's no longer certainly one of them - for precise or for awful. He's one folks!

This extremely good declaration of Jesus - that Zacchaeus is one people - comes, of course, after Zacchaeus starts behaving like one of us, by sharing out his extraordinary wealth.

"Look, half of of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the terrible; and if I have defrauded all and sundry of something, I pays lower back 4 times as a good deal." (Luke 19:8)

Evangelical pupils like to say here that whilst Jesus declares Zacchaeus' salvation after he makes his dedication to percentage his wealth, this does not mean he receives salvation due to the fact he shared his cash, which isn't any doubt genuine, thus far as it is going. Even so, we would not be doing justice to this tale if we failed to take significantly the centrality of the issue of money right here, and this recognition becomes specifically clear whilst we comprehend that Zacchaeus is being held up along the parent of the 'wealthy young ruler' who appears within the previous bankruptcy of Luke's Gospel (Luke 18:18-30).

I might not go through that tale in detail now, however you will consider, I suspect, the story of that wealthy younger man who comes to Jesus trying to be a disciple, and Jesus says to him, "one aspect you lack. Go, sell your possessions, deliver the money to the terrible,... And come, comply with me" (18:22) That's within the chapter at once preceding this one, and the story ends with the rich man failing precisely in which Zacchaeus succeeds!

We do not honestly recognise if those two encounters passed off near to each other in time, but we may be sure that Luke put the testimonies side-via-side for a motive, and I anticipate that it is because he desires us to see those  as archetypal figures, depicting for us the mission of discipleship. Both guys are very wealthy when they arrive to Jesus. Both are pressured to make a desire among building God's Kingdom or continuing to paintings on their very own empires. One makes the right choice, one the wrong choice.

The story of the wealthy young ruler concludes with Jesus shaking his head and pronouncing, "how hard for the wealthy to go into the Kingdom of God" and that, "it's less difficult for a camel to undergo the eye of a needle than for the rich to go into the Kingdom" (18:26). This leads to an outcry from the disciples, who say, "who then can be stored?" And Jesus say, "what is not possible for humanity is feasible for God" (18:27).

In the very next bankruptcy, the impossible happens. The camel goes through the attention of the needle, the rich man sheds his possessions, and salvation involves his residence. Both men come to Jesus with religion, high hopes, and with wealth. One couldn't let move of his wealth, and we are instructed that he, "went away sad" (18:23). The other opened his fingers and his heart and, we're told, "obtained [Jesus] joyfully" (19:6).

I won't reside at the implications of this for anybody right here, except to cite one more interesting statistic that I got here throughout while discovering the distribution of the arena's wealth. One figure that caught my eye indicated what you had to be really worth to rank inside the pinnacle 50% of the arena's wealthiest humans, and the answer turned into round $3,000, which I'm guessing might placed nearly every person right here in the pinnacle 1/2 of the world's wealthiest human beings. Perhaps if we have been dwelling in first century Palestine with our present day level of wealth, a number of us could be within the pinnacle 1%! Who is aware of?

In truth, it does not depend if you're in the 1% or the ninety nine%. The issue for Jesus, from what I can see, become in no way how a good deal you had however what you have been doing with what you had, and whether you are behaving like a part of the crew. For we're all in this collectively - no good or bad men, no us and them. Just us - all Abraham's kids.


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